About me

Hi everyone! My Name is Masen. I live in Orem, Utah, but originally I'm from Houston, Texas. My hobbies include Netflix and spending time with my wife and my family. I have been married for a little over a year, and we are expecting a baby girl in March. I love that Byu-Idaho is church-based and that everyone in my classes usually shares my same values.
Right now, I'm not sure what degree I want to pursue, but I'm interested in Information Technology. I'm working for a company called ObservePoint, which audits your analytics technologies. This class will help me a lot with my job and vice versa.
Like I said, in the job I'm working at now, I have to know a lot about web design, and if I move up in the company, I will need that info, so being in this class with definitely give me some disadvantages.
Since I was eight, I have been a member of the church, but I got converted at age 17. I love many scriptures, but one of my favorites would have to be the one where he says he has engraved us upon the palms of his hands in Nephi. One of my favorite quotes from a church leader was when Jeffrey R. Holland said, "Salvation is not a cheap experience! " He later goes on to remind us that Salvation wasn't easy for Christ, so we shouldn't expect it to be easy for us.
Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about me! If you guys need anything, just let me know.